If you would like your little one be added to the waiting list to join Ladybird Forest Pre-School, please email admin@ladybirdpre-school.org.uk or call the setting on 01525 406703.
Our waiting list is arranged by the children’s date of birth. In accordance with our Admissions Policy and our funding agreement with Central Bedfordshire Council, priority is given to funded 3 and 4 year olds, followed by 2-year olds in receipt of government support, followed 2 year olds from working families. We accept children from the term after their 2nd birthday.
If you have any questions regarding fees, funding, sessions or wrap around care, please contact admin@ladybirdpre-school.org.uk.
Our minimum requirement is for children to attend at least 4 sessions per week (or three, if they are 2 years old). We will ensure where possible that your child will attend a Forest School session during one of their sessions.
Every session also includes circle time, in which children do phonics and wellbeing.
We offer parents/carers up to a maximum of 10 sessions per week and we accept the full 30 hours of NEF funding (15 hours ‘universal’ funding and 15 hours ‘extended’ funding). Funding can be used against the morning and afternoon sessions, and Lunch Clubs.
Visits to the Setting
If you would like to come and have a look around the setting, we would be delighted to show you around. Please call the setting on 01525 406703 or email admin@ladybirdpre-school.org.uk to book in a 30 minute visit.