The Pre-School is always looking for new ideas and new members to join us at our fundraising meetings. Why not come along? There are lots of ways you can contribute and you don’t need any experience.
I don’t know anything about fundraising at a pre-school…
The Directors are made up of a very mixed bunch of people, with different skills and interests. Some of us are working parents, some are stay-at-home parents, some have been Directors for more than one year and some are new. The one thing we have all got in common is that we care about Ladybird Forest Pre-School and want it to succeed.
I won’t know anyone there…
You’ll be surprised by how many familiar faces you’ll recognise and we are a welcoming group of parents/staff who are keen to meet new members and share ideas. If you have any concerns at all please feel free to speak to any of us – we would be happy to introduce you to others or meet you beforehand.
Is being a Director a big commitment?
We only ask that you contribute what you are comfortable doing. We totally appreciate that parents/carers have busy lives outside of Ladybirds. So basically, you can get involved as much (or as little) as you like. We do ask that all Directors try to attend as many of the meetings as possible. Obviously, there will be busy times and quieter times throughout the year. However, most members don’t have any specific role, so you can volunteer for particular tasks as and when you want to do so.
Why do we need fundraising?
Ladybird Forest Pre-School is a registered charity – we exist solely for the benefit of the children who attend (and their families). Any profits we make get put straight back into the pre-school. Over the last couple of years, fundraising profits have provided us with new sails at the front of the building (very helpful on those lovely rainy English days), new equipment in the playground, new resources, plants for the Forest School area, new flooring and general equipment.
Why do you want new people to join the committee?
It’s important to us that we know what current parents/carers would like from the pre-school now and in the future. We aim to support the team by helping to raise funds to continue to offer the best possible environment for all of our children to learn and thrive in. Every year we tend to lose a few parent members as their children move on to ‘big school’, so we are always looking for new parent volunteers to fill those gaps. You can join us at any time – all parents/carers are welcomed all year round.
What’s in it for me?
Lots! You can meet new people, learn new skills, or use your existing ones in a new way. Above all, you’ll help to make Ladybirds as good as it can be (and if the warm glow and pride that all that stuff gives you aren’t enough, it’s also a handy thing to be able to put on your CV…).
How can I find out more?
Come along to a meeting or chat to a current Director/member of the Fundraising Team. Meetings are held three times a year, during term-time. The dates are advertised in the newsletters, on the website, on our Facebook page and on the noticeboard. The noticeboard is situated inside the shelter on the right as you walk up the path to our main entrance gate. Alternatively, please ask a member of the Ladybird Team to point it out to you (we really are nice and very approachable…).