Ladybird Forest Pre-School is a registered charity – we exist solely for the benefit of the children who attend (and their families). Any income we make goes straight back into the Pre-School. We also rely on fundraising so that we can continue to provide the best possible environment in which all our children can learn and thrive.
Over the last couple of years, fundraising profits have given us new sails at the front of the building (very helpful on those lovely rainy English days), new toilets for children, staff and visitors, and air-conditioning units.
We hold two main fundraising events a year: our annual Christmas Bazaar and Summer Gala. In order to hold these events, we need help from our amazing Fundraising Team, made up of our fundraising coordinator, staff and parent helpers.
Why not join the team? We are always looking for new ideas and new members to join us. It’s a great way to get involved with your child’s Pre-School, there are lots of ways you can contribute, and you don’t need any experience. Meetings dates are advertised in the newsletters, on the website and on our Facebook page. We welcome new parents / carers all year round and you can get involved as much (or as little) as you like.
If you are not able to join the Fundraising Team, you can still support us by selling raffle tickets, donating raffle prizes, and by signing up with our partner, easyfundraising. Please get involved!